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Sequentia is a Bitcoin sidechain network and corresponding ecosystem of applications dedicated to tokenized assets – like stablecoins and stock tokens – and peer-to-peer transactions, including direct, real-time atomic swaps and lightning swaps between BTC and tokens issued on Sequentia.
The Sequentia Network's initial development and launch are being promoted by Concatena Labs, Inc., a Delaware corporation. However, Sequentia is a fully Free and Open Source (FOSS) project and anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
Instructions on how to run Sequentia's modified Elements node in order to connect to the public Sequentia testnet network, as well as a few commands to demo the "No Coin" feature. This feature is our proof-of-concept, and it is what makes Sequentia the first blockchain in history without a native coin, as well as the only pegless Bitcoin sidechain.
TESTNETGeneral information about the protocol can be found in the Sequentia Light paper. Download the pdf version here.
This academic-style paper provides detailed information about the protocol, the consensus system, and how it differs from other asset tokenization technologies. The PDF version is available here.
More information about the Sequentia protocol and its role within the Bitcoin ecosystem can be found in the Sequentia White Paper. You can download the pdf version here or follow the link to read it online:
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